Milosi offers a complete suite of landscape services. We prioritize finding practical, aesthetic solutions to your landscaping needs. When you work with Milosi as your landscape maintenance company, we tailor your maintenance services to the needs of your outdoor space.
A professional, year-round lawn maintenance service keeps your yard in pristine condition. We offer monthly maintenance plans including complete mowing services, bed maintenance, and mow-only options so that no matter what your yard requires, we can find the right plan for you.
Our team of seasoned landscape maintenance professionals will provide complete care for your lawn and gardens through regular maintenance that includes mowing, trimming, edging, watering, mulching and more to ensure that your outdoor space remains immaculate.
We will regularly assess your plant health to determine additional irrigation or fertilization needs. To keep trees and shrubs healthy, we offer spray services to prevent disease and insect damage. Additionally, we also offer regular application services for fungicides. This regularly treats and protects your plants from fungal disease.
We will also perform seasonal work on your property, including installing seasonal color. Our team will rotate plants seasonally to provide variety in design and color to your property. For example, early spring annuals, fall mums, annuals and bulbs can be added to your landscape seasonally.
Additionally, we will troubleshoot faulty irrigation systems, and perform regular quality control inspections. Our team will provide you with regular reporting on your the health and wellness of your lawn and gardens. We can proactively address any opportunities or challenges that may arise.
Finally, to round out your complete landscape maintenance we offer trash patrol, deer spray, watering, leaf removal, snow and ice clean up and lighting installation to perfect your outdoor space.
Let us keep your outdoor space immaculate. Call today for a consultation. 615-239-6405.